Projection 2 Ombudsman: How to deal with a Accident - Synchronization Meditation  

Mind x Manas / Positive

Brahm Mudra Kriya 

Sit straight. Place both hands in front you at eye level. Extend the Jupiter (index) finger straight up.Curl the other fingers into the palm. Keep the thumbs straight up, parallel to the index finger, thumbnails toward the body. The tip the left index finger is held at the level of the lowest knuckle of the right thumb. Hands are 8 inches apart and about 7 to 7 1/2 feet from the face. The eyes are open, looking straight and directly at and through the space between the hands. Make your breath long and slow. 

Continue for 11 to 31 minutes.  

Every thing just needs a fix-up. Take all the pieces and find what is useful. Find an advantage in this situation. Catalogue what you did wrong so that you won't do the same in the future. Discover what you didn't do that will protect you later. Identify, fix and use. Too strong you can get distracted by other people's priorities or opportunities that arise. You can take on jobs not related to your primary task, or overestimate how much change you can affect. If the Positive and Negative Minds interlock, then you can become convinced of your solution from past experience and fix something that is not broken or fix the wrong thing which then creates another problem. Too weak you get frustrated in constant attempts to move beyond the problem, since you skip details or don't trust your own instincts to act in a new way. You fiddle instead of fix You let your effort drift and become distracted without fully testing it. When balanced and developed, you are a practical, effective, action-oriented learning machine. You notice enough details to act precisely and are confident enough to take proportional risks and test the results by external benchmarks. Great under emergency and panic situations.


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