La colonne

   Bonjour Silke

Ici est ton Espace Perso

1. La colonne vertébrale, les articulations et tendons >>>>>>>>>


  1. La colonne vertébrale, les articulations et tendons  
Série pour la colonne vertébrale et la responsabilité (Kundalini Yoga Handbuch)
=* Kundalini yoga Handbuch - Wer trägt die Verantwortung?

Série de base dnergie de la colonne vertébrale (
Aquarian Teacher)
Basic spinal energy series ( SadhanaGuidlines)
= Basic Spinal Energy Series (

Flexibilité et colonne vertébrale (Aquarian Teacher)
= Flexibility and the spine (
 * SadhanaGuidlines)

Ajuster la colonne
Ajuster la colonne vertébrale (Yoga for Health and Healing)
Heal your back now - Guérissez votre dos maintenant (The Art, Science and application of Kundalini Yoga)

Self adjustment of the spine (
* RenewtobeNew)
Set 2 (* RenewtobeNew)

Spinal Warm up (Kundalini yoga - Unlock your inner potential)
Spinal set with Ardha-matsvendrasana (
Additionnal exercices for spinal adjustment (RenewtobeNew)
Exercices for maintaining a flexible spine (RenewtobeNew)
Balance the Body and the spine (ReachMeReach)
Getting rid of faults in the spine (ReachMeReach)
Work on the psyche through the spine (SelfExperience)

Yoga for runners and skiers (The Art, Science and application of Kundalini Yoga)
Loosen the spine (Heart Center mix)
Brain, spinal Column and brain stem (PranayamPranaee)
Colon, spine and organs (Yoga for the Aquarian Age)
For the Back (Yoga for the Aquarian Age)

Upper Body, Neck, Shoulders, Chest
Upper Body, Neck and Shoulders (
Upper back and shoulders (
The Art, Science and application of Kundalini Yoga)
Shoulders, arms and chest (
KYS 3)
Adjusting the upper body (Maintenance Yoga Kundalini Yoga)
Epaules raides (Yoga for Health and Healing)
Neck and thyroide (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Neck series 
(Sexuality and Spirituality)

Lower Body, Lower back, Navel, Hips
Working on the lower spine (
Kriya for lower spine and elimination (
Kriya for nerve, navel and lower spine (
Adjust your rib cage and lower spine to develop strength and steadiness (
Lower back and hips (
The Art, Science and application of Kundalini Yoga)
Lower back (Yoga for Skiers and Runners)
Abdomen faible - douleurs du bas du dos (Yoga for Health and Healing)
Exercise series for hips, thighs and legs (Renew to be new)
To clean lymphatics & adjust lower back (
Transition to a heart-centered world)

Nerfs Sciatique
Pour éviter la sciatique (Yoga for Health and Healing)
Life nerve stimulation (SadhanaGuidlines)
Venus Kriya Life Nerve Stretch (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Hast kriya: Earth to heaven (Transformation 2)

Heart Center mix)
Kriya for Pelvic Balance (Keeping Up, Transformation1, Autheentic Relationships, Sexuality and Spirituality)
Skull and pelvic bone adjustment (RenewtobeNew)

Ajuster le pelvis (Yoga for Health and Healing)

Libérez-vous de l’arthrite (La crise)
Prévenir les ennuis du genou (Yoga for Health and Healing)

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