Documents 1

   Bonjour Silke

Ici est ton Espace Perso

  Nos ressources et livres du Kundalini Yoga  
The Master's Touch

Sadhana Guidelines, Gurucharan Singh Khalsa
Transformation 1 & 2

Kundalini Yoga for Intermediate
Kundalini Yoga for Youth and Joy
Fountain of Youth
The Owner Manuel of the Human Body
Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
KY, la science de l'être total
KY, Unlock your inner potentiel
Yoga for the aquarien age
The essence of Yoga
Slim and Trim
Yoga for skiers and runners

Reaching Me in Me, Harijot Kaur
Infinity and Me

Radiance and Victory

Heart Center Mix
Transition to a heart centered world
Expanding Intuition
L'être humain auto-sensoriel
Self-sensory human being
Energy Maps

Man to Man
Marriage Manuel
Lunar Woman
Excel & Celebrate

Art of making sex sacred

ConcPreg Manuel
Conscious Pregnancy
Child's Play


Asssisi Complète
Assisi 2007

Harmonious Communication
Authentic relationships

Medical Meditations

Divine Alignement
Heal your back now

Kundalini Yoga and psychologic disorder 1 + 2
Communication entre les Hémisphères (de Inner workout, Transformation1 et self-sensory human)
Anger Collection
Fear (2 half classes)

KY für Krebspatientinnen

Yoga for aging and chronical illness
Hallo Alter

Crisis Kit = Survivre la crise (contient Keeping Up)



(Yoga for Prosperity, Siri Kirpaul Kaur Khalsa, p. 42 and K.R.I. Level One Teacher Training Manual, p. 255)

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine and a slight Neck Lock.

Focus: Eyes are closed and rolled up to the 3rd eye point.

Mantra: The Mool Mantra: Ek Ong Kar, Sat Nam, Kartaa Purkah, Nirbao Nirvair, Akaal Moorat, Ajoonee, Saibhang, Gur Prasad, Jap, Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Haibhee Sach, Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach.

Mudra: The hands are in Gyan Mudra. (No mudra was given in the K.R.I. Level One Teacher Training Manual.)

Breath: Inhale while silently chanting the Mool Mantra twice. Feel the breath move up to the eyebrows and the root of the nose. Hold the breath and apply Diaphragm Lock by pulling in and up on the diaphragm while silently chanting the Mool Mantra once. Then exhale while silently chanting the Mool Mantra twice.

Time: You are doing five Mool Mantras in each cycle of breath. Start with 3-11 complete breaths. 108 complete breaths are said to redeem 8.4 million lifetimes. It helps to use a rosary or mala for this counting. (As an easier variation, you may inhale while silently chanting Mool Mantra once, hold the breath while applying Diaphragm Lock and silently chanting Mool Mantra three times and exhale while silently chanting Mool Mantra once.)

CommentsSahaj refers to effortless flow and ease, an easy path to happiness and bliss. Sukh means comfort or peace. Dhiaan is deep meditation. This is a deep meditation for achieving inner peace and happiness and is an ancient technology. It combines all the benefits of deep breathing with all the benefits of chanting the Mool Mantra. Practicing this meditation brings a lovely creative quality to the mind.

Each Mool Mantra has 90 Pads, or stages of sound variation. The reason we are doing five repetitions of Mool Mantra is because 90 X 5 = 450 X 108 gives you 525,600 stages of mantric pulsation of the pranic body that adjusts you into the soul body, into the freedom of the subtle body. This is equivalent to doing 9.4 days of continuous Japa meditation. And yet you achieve this effect within simply one mala (108 times or complete breaths) of this meditation.

  Enfrentando los desafios del manana  

  Iniciacion en la intuicion  

  Experimentandu tu Ser original  

  Quemando el enojo interno  

  Liens vers vidéos  
  Smiling buddha kriya  

Smiling_buddha_kriya artwork credit: Ann Marie Maxwell with aesthetic modifications made by YIFY

This Wednesday is the big day. Are you yogi/nis ready?! If you thought Sat Kriya
was pure awesomeness (or conversely if you found it to be too much),
this one's going to knock your socks off! It's simple, sweet, and
powerful. Anyone can do it and I hope you'll join me.


"The story goes that a brahman found Siddhartha nearly starved and in
an unhappy way, unable to walk after a forty-day fast. The brahman
nursed him back to health, and when Siddhartha finally began to smile
again, the brahman taught him this kriya. Siddhartha went on to become
Buddha, who found Enlightenment under the bodhi tree!" 

(from the book Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa)

"Historically, this is an outstanding kriya. It was practiced by both
Buddha and Christ. You have probably seen this mudra     [ symbolic
hand gesture ] in paintings and statues. It is a gesture and exercise of
happiness and it opens the flow of energy to the heart center. You
needn't worry about learning this kriya to be a Buddha or a Jesus — just
learn it to be yourself! Be a little selfish for your higher
consciousness. Master the technique and experience the state it brings.
Then share it by creating beauty and peace around you."

(from the book Transitions to a Heart-Centered World by Gururattan Kaur Khalsa)


  1. Promotes Joy, Bliss, and Happiness

  2. Balances and heals the positive mind

  3. Gives the confidence to face and overcome challenges

  4. Gives the energy to inspire and uplift others

  5. Opens the Third Eye and brings intuition and insight

  6. Opens the heart

  7. Expands consciousness

(1 - 5 from Anmolmehta)

How to Practice Smiling Buddha Kriya:

  1. Sit in Sukhasana (Easy Pose). Sukhasana has many variations, but
    what is most important is its meaning: to sit comfortably. So sit in the
    most comfortable position for you, so long as your waist, back, neck,
    and spinal column are all straight. Feel free to sit up against a wall
    if you need the extra support to be able to remain seated for an
    extended period.

  2. Take Maha Gyan Mudra (see illustration above). Palms face forward.
    Curl your ring and pinky fingers in toward each palm and hold them down
    gently with your thumbs. Keep your pointer and middle fingers extended
    straight up and pressed together. (You are basically making a peace
    sign, but the two extended fingers are together, rather than in a V.)

  3. Hands are at the sides of the shoulders. Elbows are bent, creating a 30 degree angle between the upper arm and the forearm.

  4. Roll the shoulder blades down the back, broaden your collarbones, relax the trapezius, and soften your front ribs.

  5. Close your eyes and direct your focus and energy to the Third Eye
    Point. Do this with powerful intention, but gently with the inner gaze,
    so as not to strain the eyes.

  6. Smile softly.

  7. Begin to chant this mantra mentally and continuously, "Sa Ta Na Ma."
    (Sa = Infinity. Ta = Life. Na = Death. Ma = Rebirth. The whole mantra
    means "I am Truth.") This is the most fundamental of the Kundalini

  8. Stay relaxed and at ease within the kriya. Let your breathing be natural.

  9. Practice Smiling Buddha Kriya for 3 minutes. If you can, work your
    way up to 11 minutes. If not, 3 minutes is perfect and will be very

  10. When complete, inhale deeply, exhale deeply, then open and close the fists a few times, and relax.

(adaptation by Y is for Yogini,
based on the kriya by Yogi Bhajan and research by Gururattan Kaur Khalsa
and Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa)

If you are a visual learner, watch this Smiling Buddha Kriya instructional video. (Note: Be sure to read all notes above, as there are important points the video does not cover.)

Who's in? Let me know so we can stay connected during our journey!

Online Guided Meditation by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

  Unir corps et esprit  


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