The mind has no reality on its own  
There are 1000 impulses in the brain every second but only some become a thought
and only some thoughts make you react, constructively or destructively; that's the mind and your challenge!

If you are not controlling your mind consciously, 
your subconscient, your shadow self, your projections,your insecurities, (your worries,dreams, fantasies) will do it and you will be miserable. When the mind is full of unconscient identifications, emotional projections, intention and attachments, => it masks thought 
=> false judgements and fruitless committements
=> frustrations and unhappiness

Master the mind => success, happness and constant prosperity

When the mind is aligned with the soul => each thought that is stimulated from the intellect to (evtl) manifest into life is perceived and acted on with clarity and reality

Most don't look at, study and master the mind because we are busy using the mind (we can't see our eye directly). Entanglement; the mind affects all we do contains what we can do. Everybody has a special access to his own mind and its content. The mind uses the mind, filters all experiences, distords or fractures anyway. Observing the body (see and feel movement) is not the same as observing the mind.


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