
   Bonjour Silke

Ici est ton Espace Perso

  Head and Heart  
Questions of Balance   

Our intent is to communicate accurate, timely, and verifiable information

to help us all Evolve Spiritually and Evolve Physically as fast as possible

Would Like To Suggest That

There Is A Clear Distinction Between

Being (Heart)(Experiencing)


Problem Solving (Head)(Thinking and Doing)


(Heart Centered) (Experiencing)

You are in a state of consciousness where, for a while, there are no unresolved problems

no self-talk, no self-visualization, no telepathic connections,

and you are in an environment where you can open up your senses and just

Be The Ancient Observer Experiencing This Vibrating Instant "Now"

Be At One With Your Environment

Problem Solving

(Head Centered) (Thinking and Doing)

You are in a state of consciousness where there is a problem to be solved

that requires thinking (self-talk) (self-visualization) (telepathy)

to formulate an action that gives you the highest probability of the desired result

and then use that formulated action to solve the problem

We have been born into a world of Vibrations, Cycles, Frequencies, Oscillations, Waves, and Resonances

Questions of Balance implies that at any given instant there is a Healthy Balance

between your Heart and your Head, between Being and Problem Solving, and

between your Unique Vibrations and the Vibrations of the Universe

Your Unique Heart-Head Balance

(How You Show Up, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Psychically and Spiritually)

is Constantly Changing, Constantly Dancing With The Vibrations of The Universe

Problem Solving

(Thinking and Doing)

Irregardless of your beliefs about what happens before conception

and irregardless of your beliefs about what happens after the physical body dies

on this planet, during this lifetime, at every level of biological organization

Mother Nature (God, Source, Universe) is very clear about what is expected

of our 4.5 billion Year Old Physical Bodies

Survive and Reproduce

Get The Genetics And Our Conscious Awareness To The Next Generation

These are Mother Nature's highest priorities

These two problems need to be solved by every biological organism

at every level of biological organization

This implies two ancient biological priority structures

The survival priority structure with its related energy reserves and

the reproductive priority structure with its related energy reserves

As a sweeping generalization it seems that very early in our ancestors' evolution

these two priority systems showed up as left and right hemispheres of our ancestors' brains

The dynamic balance between these two ancient biological priority structures

obviously gave our ancestors a distinct survival and reproductive advantage

The following sweeping generalizations are used to convey a range of possibilities

between two opposites, between two extremes

When we look at the problem solving characteristics that facilitate

the Reproductive Priority and the Survival Priority

the following patterns seem to show up

Left                    Right     

Left Side Of Body                    Right Side Of Body     

Right Brain Hemisphere                    Left Brain Hemisphere          


Reproductive Priority Structure  -  Survival Priority Structure             

              Now  -  Past-Now-Future

Female-ish  -  Male-ish         

Nest Builder, Gatherer  -  Hunter, Protector             

  Love  -  Fear         

          Empathic, Embracing, Emotions  -  Goal Oriented, Controlling, NonEmpathic

Holistic Pattern Recognition, Intuitive  -  Logical, Sequential                                   

Expansion  -  Contraction   

Communal  -  Hierarchical    

Lovers   -  Fighters     

We  -  I         

Left Side of Face & Body  -  Right Side of Face & Body   

(Right Brain Hemisphere)  -  (Left Brain Hemisphere)        

Reproductive Priority Energy Reserves  -  Survival Priority Energy Reserves             

Suggestions For Re-Balancing

Go out in Nature, find a safe place, where, if possible, there is very little noise from Human activity

find a very comfortable position, shut your eyes, quiet all the self-talk,

quiet all the self-visualization, quiet all the telephatic connections,

take a couple of deep breaths and just

Be the Ancient Observer Listening

Be the Ancient Soul Listening

If an unresolved problem comes to your consciousness

clearly define the unresolved problem, write down what the unresolved problem is

acknowledge that the problem needs to be solved and commit to solving the problem, in the near future

But Not Right "Now"

This process of acknowledging the unresolved problem and writing it down

will relax the ancient built-in problem solving systems, for a while !!!

Then Go Back To Quieting the Self-Talk,

Quieting the Self-Visualization, Quieting the Telepathic Connections and Just

Be the Ancient Observer Experiencing This Vibrating Instant "Now"

Be the Ancient Soul Experiencing This Vibrating Instant "Now"

Become One With Your Body

Become One With Your Environment

Become One With Spirit

Become One With Source

Become One With Universe

The Intent Is To Be Able To Consciously Make The Distinction Between

Being In The Moment With All Of Your Awareness Or Being The Problem Solver,

To Consciously Make The Distinction Between Being In Your Heart Or Being In Your Head

Once You Can Consciously Shift Between Being In The Moment, (Healer, Intuition)

And Being The Problem Solver, (Controller, Logic)

Then Your Ancient Observer Has Control Or Has Regained Control Of

What Habits, Patterns, and Programs Are Appropriately Activated In The "Now"

There Is A Balance Between Human-Being and Human-Doing

Love Unconditionally At The Appropriate Distance

Be The Very Best You Can Be

This Vibrating Universe Knows (Resonates)

And The Synchronicities Light Our Paths

Love Like Nobody Has Ever Hurt You

Dance Like Nobody Is Watching

Sing Like Nobody Is Listening

Choose Love Over Fear

Trust The Universe

Trust Your Heart


Live Life Intently and Intensely, There Is An Expiration Date

For Your Unique Personality, In Your Unique Body, On This Unique Planet, In This Unique Life Time

Questions of Balance

"This uniqueness believes that the Real Power, the Real Strength, the Real Wisdom,

the Real Connection with Universe (Source)(God) Rests in the Heart of the Ancient Female, Which Is In Us All.

If Men would get out of their Ancient Hunter Personality (Fear)(Survival)

that wants to Control, and Then Reconnect with the Heart of Their Ancient Female, (Love)(Reproduction)

and if Women of this day and age would Stop letting Men Control them

and Expect to be Treated as Equals, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Psychically and Spiritually,

This World Would Very Rapidly Change Into A Heart Centered Consciousness Reality"


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